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Published: 29/03/19
The world celebrated #InternationalDayofHappiness on Wednesday 20 March. How you travel to work probably isn’t something you regularly give much thought to, but it could make a difference to how happy you are. Changing how you travel could increase your happiness.
According to a study from the University of East Anglia study, commuters who use public transport to travel to work are more relaxed and happier overall than their driving colleagues. The 2014 study, which featured over 18,000 participants, reported that overall those who drove to work felt around 13% more stressed-out and unable to concentrate, whilst those who took the bus or train felt more relaxed. It found that it is a mixture of small actions that contribute to this feeling of wellbeing. Just walking to a bus or train station contributes to your daily exercise and increases oxygen and blood flow around the body. A journey on public transport allows you to socialise, listen to music or even rest your eyes for the duration.
If you’d like to benefit from starting the day a little happier, why not try cycling, walking or using public transport to work? You may even feel good enough to skip that morning coffee when you get into the office. Fill out our Personal Travel Plan form and we can create a bespoke travel plan to show you what travel options are available to you.
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