ForwardMotion supports #OneInAMillion campaign

Published: 21/03/19


ForwardMotion is supporting British Cycling’s #OneInAMillion campaign, which aims to encourage more women to cycle. Statistics show that only 31% of women in Britain currently cycle regularly, with 64% of women saying they don’t feel confident cycling on the roads.

This is something we are keen to address. Our Bespoke cycle training provides tailored sessions to give you the confidence you need to get on your bike and go. We’ve worked with women from across the whole of south Essex and we know there are lots more out there who could do with a helping hand.

International Women's Day event attendee has a go on a smoothie bike

Smoothie bike at International Women’s Day event

At an International Women’s Day event at the Civic Centre in Southend on Sea, on Friday 8 March, we spoke to women about the different types of support we can offer. We highlighted that our Bespoke training can help everyone, whether you are completely new to cycling or just need help mastering a difficult roundabout. We also gave attendees the opportunity to try an electric bike as part of an e-bike taster session.

Attendees seemed to value the advice our Travel Engagement Officers were able to provide. One woman commented: “He helped me realise that it’s never too late to learn how to ride a bike. I’ve now found the right cycle training workshop for me and I’m looking forward to gaining more confidence and being able to use my bike to get from A to B.”

For more information on how Bespoke cycle training can help you, whatever your level of cycling, click here

For more on the #OneInAMillion campaign, head to:–OneInAMillion-campaign-to-boost-women-s-cycling-by-1-million-by-2020-0

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