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Published: 11/04/19
With the days getting warmer and the evenings lighter, why not take advantage of the better weather and go for a daily walk?
Throughout the rest of April and all of May, ForwardMotion is promoting the Active 10 challenge. The aim is to add 10 minutes of brisk walking into your day, whether this is on the commute to work, doing the school run, or during other daily activities. You can log your progress on the Active 10 app, which is available to download for Android and iOS from the One You website.
Since May is National Walking Month, now is the perfect time to get your feet moving. And once you’ve introduced 10 minutes’ extra walking into your day, don’t give it up. Making walking a habit will increase your fitness levels, boost your memory and improve your health.
Don’t forget to let us know how you get on with Active 10 by tagging us in your posts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We’d love to share your progress with others to inspire more people to put a spring in their step.
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