Travel engagement workshop at Southend High School for Boys

Published: 25/02/19


The ForwardMotion team visited Southend High School for Boys on 19 December, 2018, to deliver a travel engagement workshop with a group of sixth form students. The workshop consisted of an interactive session and a practical e-bike trial.

Students participated in an interactive session in the classroom that focused on modes of transport and sustainability. The students were asked to consider how they would like to see our towns develop. At the end of the workshop, the students wrote pledges on how they would change their behaviour to more active and sustainable modes of travel.

Students were offered the chance to ride an electric bike. Many of them had not seen one before and were surprised how easy the e-bikes were to use. Additionally, students were advised on how to run a bike safety check – the ‘M-check’. The M-check is a simple way to make sure that your bike is safe to ride. It involves following an M shape to check all the main working parts on a bike. The students were amazed at how easy this was to remember.

What we can do for you

Our travel engagement team would be thrilled to come to your sixth form and run this workshop with your students. We can provide:

  • Cycle training/confidence sessions
  • E-bike trial
  • Dr Bike/Bikeworks to be offered
  • Interactive classroom session

As climate change and sustainability continue to be hot topics in the media, we can help educate your students about how they can make a positive impact through their transport choices. For more information, email or visit our website.Sixth form workshop

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