Bikeability is Fully Booked!

Published: 18/03/21


Our Easter Bikeability sessions are now fully booked.  We will be delivering more of these sessions throughout the year so please do keep checking our website for future updates!

Has your child missed out on Level 2 or Level 3 Bikeability at school due to the pandemic? Or perhaps they have missed out on learning how to ride a bike. ForwardMotion can help.

Bikeability lessons will be on a 1:1 basis with one of our amazing, accredited instructors. Your child must have their own bike and helmet to take part and a parent/ guardian must attend the entire session to comply with our safeguarding and COVID-19 policies. Strict social distancing will occur throughout the session.

Level 2 and Level 3 Bikeability will be 2-hour sessions and the Learn to Ride sessions are 45 minutes.

Email for more information


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