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Published: 20/12/19
A huge thank you to everyone who has either taken part in or helped to promote our Festive Travel challenge this month. It has been a hugely successful challenge. Over 50 organisations have encouraged their employees, trainees or students to sign up to the challenge, and more than 40 people have swapped a car journey for one by public transport. We will be announcing the winner of the £250 prize in January. Please do continue to use public transport over the festive period.  If you would like to trial a journey by public transport, we’ve got lots of useful information, advice and ideas about travelling by bus or train on our website.
In January 2020, we will have a brand new travel challenge to kick-start your New Year. We will soon be announcing our Try January challenge, which will help people who make a resolution to exercise more and are worried they might not stick to it. There will be another opportunity to win £250 to spend on a bike or cycling equipment if you tell us about a journey you’ve tried in January. Look out for more information about the challenge on social media and our website soon.
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